Fender Pointe Edition - Salt Marsh Savanna
It seems these days that the term Microskiff gets tossed around more often than it should. The true essence of a Microskiff is a small skiff that will essentially allow you to do more with less. I joined the Microskiff.com community back in 2007 as I was fascinated with the idea of having a watercraft that will allow me to explore areas that are hardly exposed to humans, in turn leading me to fish that aren't bothered by our presence. Throughout the years, as my life and bank account have evolved, the skiffs in my driveway have too. They have gotten larger and further away from that ideology. But that desire for the unknown has remained in the depths of my mind.
So about three years ago, I introduced my buddy Jameson Redding to the best skiff builder I know, Mel Walker of Ankona Boats & Salt Marsh Skiffs. Jameson too shared a similar passion for reaching the areas less traveled. With his extensive experience in kayak fishing, we expressed our desire for a hybrid cross between a kayak and a true technical poling skiff. Sure, one can simply use a canoe to travel further than a kayak, but at the end of the day, you're just clanking around in a vessel that wasn't designed specifically to do this very task. Mel was excited, as deep in his idea chest of skiffs he wanted to bring to life sat what now exists as the Salt Marsh Savanna. A couple years of R & D, the hull came to life. Mel provided us with a blank canvas that will run great with small power, as well as pole like a vessel specifically designed to be propelled via push pole. He handed the baton over to us to find our favorite ways to rig it out for our specific needs. He suggested we come up with a Fender Pointe Edition and bring it to the market.
So here we are, having spent most of 2020 running these skiffs around, putting them through the paces. We have developed a few products specific for Savanna that we will be making available through the Fender Pointe name.
We introduce to you the Fender Pointe Edition Savanna. With ready-to-fish Boat / Motor / Trailer packages including our rigging at around $8,500.00. Price can vary depending exact options and power you choose.
Email me at Eric@ShopEstrada.com to discuss your build.